Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/3/15 – 10/9/15        Pickwick, MS and Memphis, TN

10/3/15                        Pickwick, MS

After leaving Clifton, TN., we headed down river 57 miles to Pickwick, MS. The waterfront homes along the waterfront in this area don’t really have river access, but the cliff stratus just keeps getting more interesting.

We pulled into Grand Harbor Marina and had our first docking experience under a roof. We were so far from the marina office and all the other building and docks that they loaned us a golf cart to get around with.

Dave and Kelly, of the Adventurer II, asked us to join them on an overnight side trip to Memphis so we agreed readily. The next morning we headed out in the courtesy car with Rod of the Tuscobia as our driver. We had to travel into Corinth, MS to rent a car. Dave then drove us to Memphis. We spent the entire day and evening playing tourist.

Memphis Bus tour

Entrance to the Peabody hotel

Balcony where Martin Luther King was shot

Sun Studio Tour
Sun studio's sold Elvis' contract for $30,000. What a mistake that was.

Gibson Guitars

Only $10,000
Beale Street, Memphis, TN


Daytime entertainment

Night time

Our destination for the night was the famous Heartbreak Hotel. This was only a short walk to our 2nd day’s activities. We spent the day touring Graceland. Most of the inside shots did not come out well. We were provided iPads with earplugs to do the tour. It became quite awkward to get the shots.

We toured this too


Inspiration Garden in Graceland

Elvis’ Mom and Dad are also interned here and there is a small tribute to his twin brother who died at birth.

If you can find the ‘x’ you can see how far around the loop we actually are.

Come back next week for our trip to Chattanooga, TN.

1 comment:

  1. hi Lois,

    Very cool. Looks like Memphis was a lot of fun. You two have really gotten far! I'm really enjoying sightseeing with you LOL. Thanks for keeoing the pictures coming.

